Step 1 of 4: Product Information

* Required Fields

Step 2 of 4: Equipment Owner

* Required Fields
Registered warranty is to the original homeowner, and only valid when homeowner name and equipment installation address is provided.

Installed Location


Step 3 of 4: Installer Lookup

* Required Fields
Please search for your installer using one of the options below. If you cannot find your installer, please check the box next to the search results and complete the available form (Optional).

Go back to Installer Lookup

Step 4 of 4: Review & Submit

*Required Fields
Month day, year
FirstName LastName
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Phone Number
Email Address
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Installation Date: Month day, year
Serial NumberModel Number
No records to display.

Upgrade to Include Labor Coverage

The warranty you are registering is the manufacturer's limited parts warranty. While it covers your system's parts, it does not include refrigerant, freight or labor expenses charged by a dealer to repair or replace a part. As a consumer you may purchase additional coverage on your new HVAC system to cover labor expenses.

Success! Thank you for registering the warranty on your new heating and air system. If you have any questions about your new equipment, please contact your installing dealer. Click the button below to save your confirmation. A copy has been sent to the homeowner's email address provided.

Your Rating:
Review Title / Subject:
Type your Review:

What sold me on this product? (check all that apply)